7 Healthy Foods to Help Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s

There are a large number of studies that indicate a healthy diet can help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. The latest studies display a variety of minor mental benefits associated with the MIND diet and other eating strategies that are designed to decrease blood pressure.

While the latest studies do not suggest a direct correlation between a healthy diet and the prevention of Alzheimer’s, adjusting what you eat each day can help delay the symptoms of the disease. To help you improve your physical and mental health, we have compiled a list of 7 foods that are associated with a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

7 Foods That Can Help Prevent Dementia

1. Kale & Spinach

Spinach, kale, and collard greens are types of vegetables that feature a high amount of essential B vitamins that are known to increase cognitive function. Although the consumption of spinach and other types of healthy food does not prevent Alzheimer’s disease, an excellent way to decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s is to adopt a diet that is high in types of vitamin B such as niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cobalamin, biotin, and folate.

Vitamin B creates important molecules for your cells and helps produce energy. Consider assembling a kale salad with your lunch or dinner to increase your consumption of vitamin B. If you’re looking for creative ways to improve your diet, we recommend mixing spinach or collard greens with your soups, sauces, or sandwiches.

7 Foods Associated With a Decreased Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

2. Nuts

Nuts are equipped with magnesium, vitamin E, healthy fats, and various types of B vitamins that have been associated with enhanced mental awareness. Individuals that consume a healthy amount of nuts each week are shown to have higher levels of mental awareness when compared to people that don’t include nuts in their diet. Types of nuts that can have a positive effect on your health include walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, and pecans. Adding walnuts or cashews to your diet may help enhance your mental health and indirectly minimize the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

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3. Beans

Beans feature a high amount of protein and fiber. If you need to increase your protein intake, we recommend purchasing beans because they are low in calories and fat. Studies have been conducted that show a positive correlation between eating beans three times a week and a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Beans are a critical component of the MIND diet because of the positive impact they can have on your mental and physical health.

7 Foods Associated With a Decreased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease4. Spices

Various types of spices contain an organic compound called Polyphenols. This compound has been shown to improve cognitive health by reducing brain plaque and inflammation. Add different spices to your diet and meals such as cumin, sage, and cinnamon to improve your cognitive health and decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Consider seasoning types of foods with minimal flavor such as vegetables and fish to make your meals both delectable and brain-nutrient rich .

5. Curry Powder

Curry powder is utilized in a countless number of recipes to enhance meals. However, scientists are currently studying the correlations between curry powder and protein in the brain. Alzheimer’s disease is partially caused by a protein in the brain called Amyloid. Brain scans of patients with Alzheimer’s reveal large clusters of Amyloids that are responsible for the symptoms of the disease.

Recent studies suggest that the curcumin ingredient in curry powder binds with amyloid proteins to prevent the formation of protein clusters in the brain. Each of these studies are in their early stages and show no conclusive evidence that curcumin has a direct impact on Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, integrating curry into your diet is a convenient way to make your recipes more interesting. The data only suggests that there are correlations between the formation of amyloid clusters and curcumin.

6. Omega-3S

Data suggests that consuming 200 mg of DHA each day can help maintain and improve your mental health. However, the average person consumes less than 100 mg of DHA each day. Types of foods with high levels of Omega-3 acids with DHA include tuna, olive oil, salmon, and flax seeds. It’s important to monitor your DHA and Omega-3 consumption on a daily basis to keep your body and mind healthy.

7 Foods Associated With a Decreased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease7. Sweet Potatoes

Purple sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable in Japan. This type of potato is high in anthocyanin antioxidants that have been shown in studies on animals to reduce brain inflammation and blood sugar issues due to obesity. In addition, the data from a variety of studies displays that the anthocyanin antioxidants in purple sweet potatoes may help stimulate cognitive health.

On the other hand, there is no evidence to suggest the consumption of sweet potatoes is directly associated with the prevention of Alzheimer’s symptoms in humans. However, adding sweet potatoes and healthy food to your diet is an excellent way to consume more vegetables and antioxidants.

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What Is a Mediterranean Diet?

Eliminating fast foods that are high in sodium and saturated fats will help decrease the probability of developing health conditions that increase your likelihood of Alzheimer’s, such as heart disease and diabetes. New data indicates the Mediterranean Diet can be practiced to help delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. This diet includes vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, grains, and other types of seafood.

The Mediterran Diet features low quantities of ground beef, steak, and other types of red meat. In addition, the objective of this type of diet is to decrease consumption of eggs, candy, and sugar. A popular type of Mediterranean diet that is used to decrease high blood pressure is called MIND. The term MIND stands for Mediterranean Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. Increasing your consumption of fish and vegetables may help maintain nutrients in your brain that provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

7 Foods Associated With a Decreased Risk of Alzheimer’s DiseaseTypes of Foods Associated With an Increased Probability of Alzheimer’s

The diet of the Western society includes items that are high in fat, sodium, cholesterol, artificial grains, sugar, and saturated fat. An average person consumers a large amount of processed foods that are influenced by animal products. These types of eating behaviors are associated with other types of health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. An individual that eats an unhealthy quantity of trans fats is exposing their body to oxidative stress, a condition that is associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care at Terra Vista

If you have questions about healthy types of foods for individuals with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, give our team a call by phone at (630) 534-0886. Each of the staff members at our memory care community is trained in the Dementia Cares Program. This program is designed to promote relationships with residents and treat them as a whole person. The memory care experts at our community are trained to monitor the behavior of dementia and respond in ways to promote friendship and trust. We provide dementia care and memory respite care programs to individuals with early, middle or late-stage Alzheimer’s.

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