

7 Common Symptoms of Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease affects almost 6 million individuals in the USA alone. It is commonly associated with age, and people over 65 years old. On the other hand, an uncommon form of Alzheimer’s diagnosis, known as early onset or younger onset occurs in individuals who are between 30 and 60 years old. Less than 250,000 individuals have early onset Alzheimer’s disease. 

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Does An Unhealthy Diet Put You At Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease?

A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates can cause the body to produce contaminants that may lead to swelling and an abundance of plaques in the brain. This may cause an impairment in cognitive function and increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The gene associated with late-onset Alzheimer’s is called ApoE4 – and it is responsible for regulating cholesterol

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4 Things People Living With Alzheimer’s Disease Wish You Knew

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is a game changer. It changes everything about the individual’s life, as well as the lives of all of those around them. It is very difficult to know how to act or react because it seems as though your loved one is changing right before your eyes. However, there are a few tips that come directly from

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Scientists Aim For Higher Quality & More Affordable Testing Options

While substantial treatments and preventative measures are yet to be truly successful for scientists combating Alzheimer’s Disease, they are making strides in developing more affordable, less invasive diagnostic options. At the recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London, scientists presented early data on promising blood testing and brain imaging techniques. The pathologies that have been used to indicate alzheimer’s –

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Yoga for the Alzheimer’s Patient

Anyone doing a quick google search about yoga can learn immediately about its benefits on the mind, body, and soul. Of course, yoga has also been proven to be effective for Alzheimer’s sufferers. While yoga might not seem like much from an outsider’s perspective, it helps to improve the overall health and wellness of the ‘yogi’. 3 Ways Yoga Helps

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Chimpanzees Are The First Animal Known to Develop Alzheimer’s Markers

A brand new report in the Neurobiology of Aging finds that Chimpanzees develop similar, but not identical, brain characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease as they age. Chimps are humanities closest relatives, and this could help researchers understand why humans develop alzheimer’s and dementia and could also show behavioural changes in chimps as caretakers. Most animals cognitive abilities decline with age, however

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New Alzheimer’s Treatment Successful in Mice Could Restore Lost Memories

New research out of New York leaves experts hopeful of restoring lost memories in Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients after testing proved successful in mice. The study was performed with the use of lights – or optogenically. Until this study, it was believed that these memories had been lost permanently, but the team suggest that it may just be the recall

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Do Iron-Rich Vegetables like Spinach lead to Alzheimer’s?

Recently published research from the University of Melbourne suggests that iron-rich vegetables may cause a rusting effect on the brain for those who are at risk to develop Alzheimer’s. The study found that those who have a high iron content in their bodies, along with the protein amyloid associated with Alzheimer’s could see a faster decline of cognitive function. Those

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4 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is one that affects millions of people worldwide. Some of the symptoms include memory loss, problems with speech and language, and personality changes. Today, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s but doctors and researchers have proposed many options to slow down the disease to ensure you do not require specialized care from a dementia care home prior to

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6 Tests That Could Lead To Early Detection of Alzheimer’s

Generally speaking, most cases of Alzheimer’s disease are detected once the diseases’ symptoms are starting to show, and at this point, the disease is fairly far along. Early detection allows for possible experimental treatments to slow the progression, allows for the patient to plan and decide what they want to happen, who to care for them etc. 6 Tests That

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