What Is Sundowning? Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia can encounter a variety of symptoms at night such as anxiety, insomnia, bewilderment, irritation, and disorientation. This group of symptoms is referred to as Sundowning Syndrome in the healthcare industry. To help you care for a family member with dementia, we have compiled a list of symptoms and
One of the things that makes Alzheimer’s, and all dementia for that matter, so devastating is that it destroys the most important organ we have, the brain. As the control center for our entire body, the brain plays a role in every function. This, of course, includes how our senses work, from perception to reaction. Since different parts of the
Sundowning is a term given to those with Alzheimer’s who exhibit an increase in agitation and restlessness in the afternoon. It has something to do with our circadian rhythm and everything to do with increased confusion. My responsibility after school was to start the dinner that my mother had usually prepared in advance. In addition, I was to set the
Written by: Nancy McCaffrey, Director of Operations, Terra Vista of Oakbrook Terrace & Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Ambassador I’m often asked how I got involved with Alzheimer’s care, both professionally and politically. The reason is personal. My Grandmother developed dementia when I was still a teenager. My mother, her only child, was in her 40’s. Our family lived on the East